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School Uniforms
It is soon time to start getting ready for school, that means buying school uniforms if you are in the School District of Lancaster.
For some low-income families, it can be financially impossible. You can help these kids get the clothing they need.
The Social Ministry has placed specially marked envelopes in the pews for your monetary donations.
Or you can donate news or gently used clothing.
Polo shirts - white, light or dark blue, long or short sleeve
Dress shirts - white, light or dark blue, long or short sleeve
Pants or shorts - dark blue or tan
Polo shirts - white, light or dark blue, long or short sleeve
Blouses - white, light or dark blue, long or short sleeve
Pants - dark blue or tan
Jumpers - dark blue or tan
Skirts or skorts - dark blue or tan
All sizes are needed - from Kindergarten to adult (for middle school students)
New underwear and socks (solid color) are especially needed.
Please place your donated items in the wooden cabinet in the lobby by the elevator.
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