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Church Music Programs

Adult Choirs


The Chancel Choir at Redeemer is comprised of confirmed members of the congregation. They lead the 11 am service several weeks each month during the school year, and also sing at the 8:00 am service occasionally. Their repertoire includes classical choral music, as well as gospel, contemporary, and praise style music. They rehearse on Thursday evenings from 7:00 pm - 8:15 pm.


Youth Choirs


Youth Choir involves grades 7 - college age. We practice 2 - 3 times a month, usually at 9am on Sunday mornings. Occasionally, we may have an after church rehearsal. During January and February, when the youth are preparing for Youth Weekend, we practice the music after church rather than 9am. Youth Choir sings approximately one time a month, usually at the 11pm Service. Come “Make a Joyful Noise” with Mrs. Sterner


For Everyone


The Jubilate Ringers are Redeemer’s fine hand bell choir made up of members of the congregation of all ages. They rehearse on Thursday evenings from 6:00 pm – 6:50 pm and usually play once a month at one of our services. If you would like to join our ringers or learn more about us please feel free to speak to our choir director Leigh-Ann Powers.



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