School Kits
Why school supplies? To the children who receive School Kits, these supplies mean the difference between getting an education or not. Public school is usually free, but in the places where LWR works, even a few required supplies, like pens and paper, may be more than many families can afford.
And when parents can only afford to send one of their children to school, girls rarely get priority…yet the education level of mothers has the biggest impact on development.

For the months of August and September we will be accepting the various contents to make up School Kits. We will also accept fully completed kits.Please put your donations in the wooden cabinet in the lobby near the elevator.
Please give new items only, except where otherwise noted
Please do not donate items with any religious symbols, messages or your congregation’s name.
Please do not donate any items decorated with a U.S. flag, patriotic or military symbols, or references to the armed forces, including camouflage.
What to Include
There will be a board with Posted Notes in the Lobby. Each posted will contain a needed item, please take them and supply the item from the note.
Do not add other items or leave out any of the items listed.
All items should be new and in good condition. Remove any excess packaging, pack all items in bag and close. Do not enclose the Kit or any of its contents in plastic bags.
Four 70-sheet spiral notebooks of wide- or college-ruled paper approximately 8” X 10½”; no loose-leaf paper
One 30-centimeter ruler, or a ruler with centimeters on one side and inches on the other
One pencil sharpener
One blunt scissors (safety scissors with embedded steel blades work well)
Five un-sharpened #2 pencils with erasers; secure together with a rubber band
Five black or blue ballpoint pens (no gel ink); secure together with a rubber band
One box of 16 or 24 crayons
One 2½” eraser
One sturdy drawstring backpack-style cloth bag approximately 14” X 17” with shoulder straps (no standard backpacks)
School Kit Backpack Pattern