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Lutheran World Relief (LWR) is a ministry of U.S. Lutherans serving communities living in poverty overseas. The mission statement reads


"Affirming God's love for all people, we work with Lutherans and partners around the world to end poverty, injustice, and human suffering."


LWR's vision states


"Empowerment by God'a unconditional love in Jesus Christ, we envision a world in which each person, every community, and all generations live in justice, dignity and peace."



Every October, Redeemer participates in our synod's LWR In-gathering appeal by collecting and making Mission Quilts, Personal care kits, School, Fabric and Baby Care kits; as well as new bars of soap, and donating money to help ship these items to the areas of the world where they are greatly needed.


LWR does more than distribute food, water, tools, medicine, tarps, quilts, blankets, kits and soap in response to emergency needs. The long range help that feeds the hungry in in the form of training in things such as new farming methods, irrigation, and food preservation, along with supplying seeds, trees, safe water and food producing animals. Many of our congregations contribute to the LWR General Fund that allows these life saving development programs to happen.


Fair Trade sales programs of LWR assure that farmers receive a just wage for their products, thus enabling them to have the means to buy food for their families. Our congregation uses and sells fair traded coffee, tea, candy, olive oil, and snacks.

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