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Harvest Home


During the Harvest Home Services you will have the opportunity to bring canned or packaged foods to the chancel as gifts of Thanksgiving. Canned fruits and vegetables, soups (dried or canned), pastas and sauces, cereal, peanut butter, jelly, crackers, dry milk, boxes of Jello and cake mixes, are examples of such gifts.

Monetary gifts are to be placed in the Harvest Home envelope, which is included with your church envelopes. These monetary gifts will go to the Lancaster County Council of Churches.

In many ways we have been richly blessed by our Heavenly Father. There are people, however, who experienced hardships this year. If you are aware of any persons locally who are in special need this year please inform the pastor, confidentially, so that we can try and ease their burden.


The balance of the food collected will be sent to the Lancaster County Council of Churches Food Hub for distribution. Redeemer is a major supplier to this food bank all year long, thanks to the weekly contributions of food left in the Redeemer Food Carts in the narthex and lower level.

We can express thanksgiving for God's goodness through these opportunities. may it enrich your lives, adding to the joy of the Thanksgiving season.

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