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Fabric Kits

Teach a person to sew and you've given them tools they can use to earn an income, support their family, and break out of poverty. Many of the thousands of Fabric Kits Lutheran World Relief distributes are used in vocational training programs to teach young men and women useful and marketable sewing skills.​


For the month of June we will be accepting the various contents to make up Fabric Kits we will also accept fully completed kits.Please put your donations in the wooden chest in the lobby near the main stair case.


Include the following items in each Fabric kit:


  • 2 Pieces of cotton or cotton-blend fabric (no knits or 100% polyester). Each piece should match one of the sizes below:

    • 2 1/4 yards of 60" wide fabric or

    • 3 yards of 44" wide fabric or

    • 4 yards of 36" wide fabric.                               

  • 2 spools of matching or neutral-colored general purpose thread. 250 - 300 yards each                  

Fabric should have no stains or holes.

Pieces do not need to match in size or color / pattern.

Fold thread and one piece of fabric inside the second piece of fabric and tie with yarn, sturdy string, ribbon or strip of fabric.


DO NOT enclose the Fabric Kit or any of its contents in a plastic bag.​​

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